BBVA sitúa a los clientes en el centro de su actividad y persigue establecer con ellos una relación responsable ayudándoles a tomar las mejores decisiones financieras para alcanzar sus objetivos vitales y profesionales. BBVA ha puesto el foco en la gestión de la...
Take advantage of OPINATOR’s new features and boost your CX program. OPINATOR is always in constant development of new features based on the feedback received from our customers and users, as well as from our own team. This improvement process is cyclical...
Saca partido a las nuevas características de OPINATOR y potencia tu programa de CX. OPINATOR siempre está en constante mejora y desarrollo de nuevas funcionalidades a partir del feedback recibido tanto de nuestros clientes y usuarios, como de nuestro propio...
Cómo generar ingresos a partir de programas de CX, VoC y NPS En OPINATOR siempre buscamos compartir conocimientos sobre Experiencia del Cliente y de esta manera ayudar a nuestros stakeholders a construir programas de CX y VoC efectivos: emocionales, personalizados y...
How to Generate Revenue from Your CX, VoC, and NPS Programs OPINATOR always seeks to share its knowledge on Customer Experience and in this way help stakeholders to build effective CX and VoC programs, and it has been an honor is to have shared this space with...
“Thanks to the measurement of Voice of the Customer and the Customer Satisfaction with the OPINATOR platform, we have processed more than 387,000 opinions and suggestions that have given us a very detailed knowledge of the real needs of customers, which has allowed us...