El banco reconoce la labor de OPINATOR con dos galardones Durante la edición anual de los Premios Santander Chile a sus Mejores Proveedores, el banco ha reconocido en 2020 a OPINATOR por su excelencia, esfuerzo y compromiso. Esta ceremonia, que lleva celebrándose...
OPINATOR obtiene la Certificación ISO 27001 Nos enorgullece anunciar que, tras varios meses de optimización de protocolos y diferentes auditorías, OPINATOR ha obtenido el Certificado ISO 27001. Certificación ISO 27001: Qué significa La Certificación ISO 27001...
OPINATOR obtains ISO 27001 Certification After preparing several months in order to achieve this goal, we are proud to announce that OPINATOR has obtained the ISO 27001 Certificate. ISO 27001 Certification: What it means ISO 27001 Certification is an international...
OPINATOR Dashboards Enable you to Act on Feedback One of the purposes of managing Customer Experience is to be able to act on feedback and to do that, making sense of gathered data its an important and essential step. The emphasis of displaying that data...
Measuring an Experience Should be an Experience Itself – Deliver it with OPIs Measuring an experience should be an experience itself. This is why OPINATOR bases the concept of interactions on what we call OPIs, multimedia forms for generating engaging...
In Experience Management, Customers Are In Charge The tables have turned, now, customers are the ones in charge. Undoubtedly it goes beyond saying that companies always profit from new customers of course, but there is value in the retention of existing ones. In...