Hack #3 for a WOW CX Management CX Measurement, More Than Just a Number You will be used to hearing this phrase by now, but measuring CX should be an experience in itself. It is essential to obtain answers and quality information for your business. Customer...
Clave #2 para una gestión WOW de CX Una Experiencia del Cliente simple y rápida te garantizará el éxito en tus esfuerzos de gestión de CX Convierte tu Experiencia del Cliente en rápida y simple. No estamos hablando solamente de hacer encuestas cortas para tu...
Hack #2 for a WOW CX Management Make it Simple and Fast to Succeed in your CEM Efforts Make it simple and fast! We are not just talking about making surveys short for your target audience (but you should!), but making the process of conceiving surveys efficient for...
Hack #1 for a WOW CX Management An Emotional Connection is Key to Deliver a Superior CX & Succeed in your CEM Efforts Measuring an experience should be an experience itself, making each client experience a unique path. A path that is personalized...
Implementa un sistema Close The Loop en Tiempo Real y optimiza tu gestión de la Experiencia del Cliente Como ya sabrás, en el 2020 ser “solo” un negocio digital ya no es suficiente. Entonces, ¿cómo debe ser la gestión de la Experiencia del Cliente...