Hack #3 for a WOW CX Management CX Measurement, More Than Just a Number You will be used to hearing this phrase by now, but measuring CX should be an experience in itself. It is essential to obtain answers and quality information for your business. Customer...
Implementa un sistema Close The Loop en Tiempo Real y optimiza tu gestión de la Experiencia del Cliente Como ya sabrás, en el 2020 ser “solo” un negocio digital ya no es suficiente. Entonces, ¿cómo debe ser la gestión de la Experiencia del Cliente...
Tener presencia omnicanal es indispensable para quienes buscan alcanzar el éxito en la Gestión de la Experiencia del Cliente ¿Estás ofreciendo actualmente una experiencia omnicanal a tus clientes al recoger su feedback? ¿Tu empresa es capaz de ver exactamente qué...
Omnichannel Presence is a Must for those Looking to Achieve Success in their CX Efforts Are you currently delivering an omnichannel experience when collecting Customer Feedback? Is your company able to see exactly what your customers are thinking in real-time? Could...
Be Omnichannel with OPINATOR Shopping experiences are no longer what they used to be. According to a 2018 research from Salesforce, 67% of shoppers start their journey on Google or Amazon but somewhere along the way decide that buying in-store is more convenient in...