Learn the Top Hacks to Boost the Impact of your Customer Experience Management Successfully managing Customer Experience to increase engagement with a segmented audience in NPS, Voc, and CX Management programs can be relatively simple! David Solana (Co-founder of...
Enable Immediate Action and Change with OPINATOR’s Real-Time Case Management and Close The Loop System As you may know by now, in 2020 “just” being a digital business no longer makes the cut. So, what is Customer Experience in our now-more-than-ever...
Tener presencia omnicanal es indispensable para quienes buscan alcanzar el éxito en la Gestión de la Experiencia del Cliente ¿Estás ofreciendo actualmente una experiencia omnicanal a tus clientes al recoger su feedback? ¿Tu empresa es capaz de ver exactamente qué...
Omnichannel Presence is a Must for those Looking to Achieve Success in their CX Efforts Are you currently delivering an omnichannel experience when collecting Customer Feedback? Is your company able to see exactly what your customers are thinking in real-time? Could...
Los Dashboards de OPINATOR te permiten actuar en tiempo real en base a las opiniones Una de las finalidades de gestionar la Experiencia del Cliente es poder actuar sobre el feedback y para lograrlo, primero debes dar sentido a los datos que has recogido....