Alcanza nuevos horizontes desplegando todo el potencial de las nuevas funcionalidades de OPINATOR. La plataforma OPINATOR 8.0, es el resultado de nuestro compromiso con la innovación y la mejora continua para ofrecer soluciones a las necesidades de nuestros...
Reach new horizons by unleashing all the potential of OPINATOR’s new features. OPINATOR platform 8.0, is the result of our commitment to innovation and continuous improvement to provide solutions to our customers’ needs in a close, flexible and efficient...
Un número cada vez mayor de interacciones con clientes ocurren en espacios digitales. Desde saludar a posibles clientes, hasta atender a defensores de tu marca, tu espacio digital debe satisfacer a todos los visitantes por igual. En el mundo dinámico de los eCommerce,...
An increasing number of customer interactions take place over digital spaces. From greeting potential customers to your brand experience, to servicing long-time advocates, your digital space needs to cater to all visitors alike. In the dynamic world of e-commerce,...
What is Return on Experience (ROX) and how to demonstrate it. While traditional Return on Investment (ROI) focuses solely on financial metrics such as revenue and profit, ROX takes a more holistic approach that takes into account emotional and behavioral...