Success stories from companies that are now boosting their response rates, increasing their CX ROI, and keeping customers more engaged than ever
Hacks to Leverage a WOW Customer Experience Management
Learn the Top Hacks to Boost the Impact of your Customer Experience Management Successfully managing Customer Experience to increase engagement with...
Close the Loop to Improve Customer Experience
Enable Immediate Action and Change with OPINATOR's Real-Time Case Management and Close The Loop System As you may know by now, in 2020 “just”...
Beneficios de una estrategia omnicanal para la Gestión de la Experiencia del Cliente
Tener presencia omnicanal es indispensable para quienes buscan alcanzar el éxito en la Gestión de la Experiencia del Cliente ¿Estás ofreciendo...
Enlarge Your Omnichannel CX Presence
Omnichannel Presence is a Must for those Looking to Achieve Success in their CX Efforts Are you currently delivering an omnichannel experience when...
Cómo utilizar Dashboards para actuar eficazmente sobre el feedback del cliente
Los Dashboards de OPINATOR te permiten actuar en tiempo real en base a las opiniones Una de las finalidades de gestionar la Experiencia del...
How To Effectively Act On Feedback Using Dashboards
OPINATOR Dashboards Enable you to Act on Feedback One of the purposes of managing Customer Experience is to be able to act on feedback and to do...
Cómo convertir el Feedback del Cliente en valor para tu empresa
Utiliza el Feebdack del Cliente para generar lealtad e impactar positivamente el ROI Probablemente has notado que el feedback del cliente se...
Use Customer Feedback to Boost your Revenue
Build Loyalty and Positively Impact ROI through Customer Feedback With half of humanity now on lockdown, the way businesses and consumers...
Adiós encuestas aburridas e inefectivas ¡Hola OPIs! (Parte II)
Medir una experiencia debe ser una experiencia en sí misma, ¡deja las encuestas y entrégala con OPIs! Medir una experiencia debe ser una...
Customer Experience Management & CX Programs in Times of Crisis: Now More Important Than Ever
It is Key to Boost your CX Programs in Face of the COVID-19 Should I continue to implement CX programs in my company due to what the world is facing...
Moving to an Engagement Model it’s key to success in your CX & EX efforts. These companies have moved away from a plain, boring, and ineffective Survey Model and are now getting real value out of Experience Management. Discover their success stories and why they chose OPINATOR to unfold business improvements based on Customer Feedback
CX & EX Across Industries
Automotive & Manufacturing
Banking & Financial Services
Energy, Gas & Oil
Entertainment & Leisure
Healthcare & Insurance
Telco & Technology
Transportation, Travel & Hospitality
Automotive & Manufacturing
Culture, Education & Public Institutions
Healthcare & Insurance
Teleco & Technology
Banking & Financial Services
Energy & Natural Resources
Travel, Leisure & Hospitality