We’re thrilled to announce many cool CX updates at OPINATOR
Our team has been working on a great front-end and a more robust and powerful back-end to manage your needs smoothly.
This will allow you to add new widgets and new customization options for your OPIs! This time has been a stepping stone for us because we were able to develop just what you have been asking for!

You will be seeing newdedge-cutting front-end capabilities for the platform. Also, a new option for PIDs & extended analysis capabilities. Finally, many developments for channels of integration and improving further our security measures.
Check the following gallery with all the details. If you’re curious about anything in particular, please be sure to contact support@opinator.com. We’ll be happy to walk you through!

CX Updates 1

Brand Identity Restructuring
As you can see, these updates are not just about new capabilities, but to our overall brand identity. We want to offer the best experience since we are all about CX! Keep an eye out for new releases, we’ll be in touch pretty soon.
That will be all for now, but we’re looking forward to speaking to you again shortly.
If you want to get more updates from our team, just let us know!