i-DE, an energy distribution company belonging to the Iberdrola Group, has been awarded with the prize for the Best Customer Experience Strategy by the Customer Experience Development Association, DEC, an international benchmark in the field of Customer Experience. This recognition highlights the excellent work done by the i-DE team to achieve exceptional customer orientation.

i-DE has become the first energy distributor in Spain to receive this award, highlighting its unwavering commitment to improving customer satisfaction and experience.

This outstanding achievement has been possible thanks to the magnificent work of i-DE’s CX team, in close collaboration with OPINATOR, who combined their work and experience over the years to implement, with OPINATOR’s CX Technology Platform, an advanced system for the collection, analysis and actionable management of real-time feedback.

Moreover, this strategy of immediacy and personalization in the interaction with its customers through multiple channels and points of contact has allowed i-DE to understand its customers’ needs, anticipate their requirements and provide energy solutions that exceed their expectations, thus promoting best practices in Customer Experience management within the energy sector.

“This award is a great recognition, as DEC is the reference institution in Spain and Latin America in Customer Experience, and we: i-DE, the first energy distributor in Spain awarded with this prize for its customer orientation”, said Lorena Fernandez, Head of Customer Experience, i-DE IBERDROLA Group Spain..

The DEC Association’s Best CX Strategy Award confirms i-DE’s commitment to its customers and to society, focusing on customer satisfaction as the cornerstone of its business strategy, with a proactive approach and a great capacity to adapt to the changing needs of its customers in a dynamic and competitive environment.

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