In this compelling presentation, Felipe Chamorro – Growth Strategist from North America at OPINATOR, introduces the innovative concept of the “Customer Experience Hierarchy of Needs.” Drawing insightful parallels with Maslow’s Hierarchy of...
“The OPINATOR platform stands out for integrating generative AI in various capabilities and modules.” As the term “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) becomes a central topic of discussion, confusion arises as to what constitutes AI and what does...
“La plataforma OPINATOR destaca por integrar IA generativa en diversas capacidades y módulos.” Conforme el término “Inteligencia Artificial” (IA) se convierte en un tema central de discusión, surge la confusión sobre qué constituye...
Alcanza nuevos horizontes desplegando todo el potencial de las nuevas funcionalidades de OPINATOR. La plataforma OPINATOR 8.0, es el resultado de nuestro compromiso con la innovación y la mejora continua para ofrecer soluciones a las necesidades de nuestros...
Reach new horizons by unleashing all the potential of OPINATOR’s new features. OPINATOR platform 8.0, is the result of our commitment to innovation and continuous improvement to provide solutions to our customers’ needs in a close, flexible and efficient...